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Electron-microscopic method was used to study the mechanisms of ultrastructural reorganization of the myocardium and blood vessels of the microvascular bed of the heart muscle from rats (n=30) at different time intervals after modeling of chronic anthracycline cardiomyopathy. The signs of progressive destructive changes in the myocardium, leading to the death of cardiomyocytes and the diturbances of its functional activity were demonstrated. The vessels of the microvascular bed of the myocardium underwent irreversible structural changes and were compressed by the newly formed collagen fibers in the myocardial interstitium. Exclusion of the blood vessels of the heart muscle from the blood flow is a likely cause of myocardial ischemia and congestive heart failure development.




S. Novakovskaya

Institute of Physiology

Email: novakovskaya@tut.by
«Center for Electron and Light microscopy» Laboratory

Ye. Fyodorova

Institute of Physiology

Email: Каterina.minsk@mail.ru
«Center for Electron and Light microscopy» Laboratory

L. Archakova

Institute of Physiology

Email: biblio@fizio.bas-net.by
«Center for Electron and Light microscopy» Laboratory


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