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The aim of the study was a comparative evaluation of spatial characteristics of renal veins in the planar (2D) and the stereo projections, as well as according to the results of computed tomography (CT) after 3D-modeling. 136 corrosion specimens of the venous vessels of human kidneys were prepared, and 5 most common variants of the renal vein formation were selected. Corrosion preparations were examined using X-rays and CT with the helix pitch spacing of 1.0 and 2.5 mm. The angles of vein confluence, their lengths and diameters were measured in corrosion preparations, radiographs and CT scans. A comparative analysis was conducted, and the degree of similarity of the parameters was identified (similarity of angles - simPhi, similarity of lengths - simLen and the overall degree of similarity - sim). The greatest degree of similarity (98.0%) was found between the parameters of the corrosion preparations and CT-images of renal veins with a helix pitch of 1.0 mm. Studies have shown that the informativeness of radiographic study of the renal veins depended on the variants of vessel formation and location in the hilum relative to the frontal, horizontal and sagittal planes. The informative value of CT study was independent on the variants of the formation of the renal veins, it was determined by the helix pitch.




E. Kafarov

Chechen State University

Department of Normal and Topographic Anatomy with Operative Surgery

S. Fyodorov

Bashkir State Medical University

Department of Surgery with the Course of Endoscopy and Substituting Technologies

I. Lechiyev

Chechen State University

Department of General Surgery, Medical Institute


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