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Objective - to study the effect of hypoxic-hypercapnic training on the morphometric and functional indices of blood microcirculation in young men. Materials and methods. The study involved 80 young men aged 18-21 years, Caucasoid residents of Magadan and St. Petersburg. Before and after training with isolated space breathing free of carbon dioxide (rebreathing), a local cold test was performed, during which one hand was immersed in water with a temperature of 4-5 C for 5 min. Immediately after the test, microcirculation was examined in the nail fold of another hand using computer capillaroscope. Results. It was shown that the morphological characteristics of various capillary regions did not differ in the populations examined. Capillary network density was higher in the residents of Magadan, both before and after cold exposure. However, the speed of blood flow in arterial, venous and transitional parts of the capillaries were lower than in the residents of St. Petersburg. Short-term cooling of the palm did not alter the morphological characteristics of the microcirculation in the intact hand. Rebreathing training did not affect the microcirculation parameters. Conclusions. Cold test and rebreathing training did not affect the microcirculation indices in the nail fold area of the hand, which indicates the relative independence of the reactions of this group of capillaries from systemic hemodynamics and their special role in providing thermal homeostasis during exposure of the body to cold and hypoxia hypercapnia.




A. Maksimov

RAS Far Eastern Branch „Arktika” Scientific Research Center

Laboratory of Physiology of Extreme States 24 Karl Marx Prospekt, Magadan 685000

A. Kharin

RAS Far Eastern Branch „Arktika” Scientific Research Center

Laboratory of Physiology of Extreme States 24 Karl Marx Prospekt, Magadan 685000


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