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Objective - to assess the level of morphological sexual dimorphism of the somatic characteristics and 2D:4D digit ratio. Materials and methods. The data of anthropometric study of the sample of young people of the Russian nationality from the Middle Volga region were analyzed. Standard anthropometric procedures, as well as statistical methods of regression and correlation analysis were used. Results. High level of morphological sexual dimorphism was demonstrated in the sample studied. The maximum degree of sexual dimorphism occurred in such traits as shoulder width, index of Tanner, waist-to-hip ratio, width of elbow, wrist and ankle, the strength of the hand and the musculoskeletal mass estimated by the method of bioimpedance analysis. In comparison with the general level of sexual dimorphism in morphological traits and their ratios, the level of sexual dimorphism in 2D:4D digit ratio appeared to be low. Conclusions. The assumption is made about the absence of adverse environmental and social impacts on the sample studied and the domination of the hormonal factors of puberty in the formation of morphological sexual dimorphism.




V. Bakholdina

Moscow State University

Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Biology 1 Lenin Hills, Moscow 119234

M. Negasheva

Moscow State University

Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Biology 1 Lenin Hills, Moscow 119234

A. Movsesian

Moscow State University

Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Biology 1 Lenin Hills, Moscow 119234


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