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Objective -to identify specific features of metorisis in the formation of the stratified epithelium of organs of the anterior part of the digestive canal and the role of the human’s embryo Rathke’s pouch (RP) in this process. Materials and methods. One hundred and twenty-seven human embryos were studied at Carnegie stages (CS) 12-23 (25-57 days after fertilization - 5 embryos per CS). The special characteristics of morphogenesis of pharyngeal gut epithelia were studied by means of electron microscopy and by light microscopy on Mayer’s hematoxylin-eosin stained paraffin sections and after McManus Periodic acid Schiff reaction. Results. Stomodeal epithelium moved along the front wall and the bottom of the RP to the back wall, from which it spread into the pharyngeal cavity. Conclusions. The simple isomorphic epithelium is transformed into anisomorphic epithelia (pseudostratified, stratified squamous non-keratinized) due to apoptosis activation and formation of epitheliocytes of the qualitatively new generation.




G. Solovyev

Tyumen State Medical University

Department of Histology and Embryology 54 Odesskaya St., Tyumen, Tyumen region 625023

V. Shidin

Tyumen State Medical University

Department of Histology and Embryology 54 Odesskaya St., Tyumen, Tyumen region 625023

R. Idrisov

Tyumen Regional Clinical Hospital № 2

75 Melnikayte St., Tyumen, Tyumen Region 625039

S. Panteleev

Tyumen State Medical University

Department of Human Anatomy, Topography Anatomy and Surgery 54 Odesskaya St., Tyumen, Tyumen region 625023

L. Vikhareva

Tyumen State Medical University

Department of Human Anatomy, Topography Anatomy and Surgery 54 Odesskaya St., Tyumen, Tyumen region 625023

A. Margaryan

Tyumen State Medical University

Department of Human Anatomy, Topography Anatomy and Surgery 54 Odesskaya St., Tyumen, Tyumen region 625023

O. Solovyeva

Tyumen State Medical University

Department of Histology and Embryology 54 Odesskaya St., Tyumen, Tyumen region 625023


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