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Objective - to determine the integrative ratios of the dimensional parameters of the nephron tubules and epithelium in the definitive kidney during the intermediate and late fetal period of human development. Materials and methods. Definitive kidneys of 84 human fetuses at the gestational age of 14-40 weeks were examined with 2-week interval. Histological sections were stained with Mayer’s hematoxylin-eosin staining and histochemically using McManus Periodic acid Schiff reaction. The diameter of tubules and their lumens were measured. The area of the tubules was calculated by the formula for ellipse area. The area of tubule epithelium was calculated as the difference between tubule area and tubule lumen area. Results. The coincidence of the periods of increase and decrease of the areas of the proximal tubules and their epithelium with similar periods of change in the percentage of these tubules and epithelium in the nephron structure was noted. The dynamics of the percentage of proximal straight tubules was opposite to that of proximal convoluted tubules. Changes in the proportion of distal tubules, and especially the epithelium of these tubules, were opposite to those in the percentage of proximal convoluted tubule epithelium. Conclusions. The periodic changes in metric parameters were detected, the integrative ratios of which characterize the stages of nephron tubule differentiation.




S. Panteleyev

Tyumen State Medical University

Department of Human Anatomy, Topography Anatomy and Surgery 54 Odesskaya St., Tyumen 625023

L. Vikhareva

Tyumen State Medical University

Department of Human Anatomy, Topography Anatomy and Surgery 54 Odesskaya St., Tyumen 625023

O. Yaroslavtseva

Tyumen State Medical University

Department of Human Anatomy, Topography Anatomy and Surgery 54 Odesskaya St., Tyumen 625023

V. Yanin

Khanty-Mansiysk State Medical Academy

Department of Histology, Embryology, Cytology 40 Mira St., Khanty-Mansiysk 628011

A. Margaryan

Tyumen State Medical University

Department of Human Anatomy, Topography Anatomy and Surgery 54 Odesskaya St., Tyumen 625023

K. Mkrtycheva

Tyumen State Medical University

Department of Human Anatomy, Topography Anatomy and Surgery 54 Odesskaya St., Tyumen 625023

I. Aptekar

Tyumen Institution of Osteopathic Medicine

7-a/4 Popova St., Tyumen 625048


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