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Objective - to find out the age and ecological-typological variability in the somatotype of women living in the Middle Ob region. Material and methods. A total of 231 Russian women aged 21-55 years were surveyed that belonged to the third generation of Middle Ob region residents. The integrative anthropometric analysis allowed to comprehensively characterize women`s morphotypologic features and to identify their individual-typological characteristics. We used a methodological approach recommended by the I. A. Balandina, A. V. Bykov and A. P. Gariaev (2012). Results. The morphotype of Middle Ob region women was found to be age-specific and have individual characteristics. Adaptation to harsh North environment led to the significant increase in the chest size, shoulder and pelvic width. The proportionality and body build indices had the maximum values, especially in the hypersthenic women and women aged 36-55 years. The physical maturity indices demonstrated that high energy consumption and resistance to low temperatures are the characteristics of the hypersthenic women. Conclusions. The study showed that in the Middle Ob region hypersthenic type of сonstitution in women defined high adaptability to harsh environmental conditions.




S. Orlov

Tyumen State Medical University

Department of Human Anatomy, Topographical Anatomy and Surgery 54 Odesskaya St., Tyumen 625023

P. Koynosov

Tyumen State Medical University

Department of Physical Culture and Medical Physical Culture 54 Odesskaya St., Tyumen 625023

Al. Koynosov

Khanty-Mansiysk State Academy

Course of Veneral Diseases 40 Mira St., Khanty-Mansiysk 628011

E. Ionina

Tyumen State Medical University

Department of Human Anatomy, Topographical Anatomy and Surgery 54 Odesskaya St., Tyumen 625023


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