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Objective - to study the structure of skin patterns of finger phalanges of the most numerous population group of the Tyumen region in order to create a regional standard for a dermatoglyphic constitution. Material and methods. The study of patterns of dermatoglyphic prints of 151 men and 151 women aged from 17 to 60 years obtained using printing ink was carried out. Fingerprints were processed according to generally accepted dermatoglyphic techniques. The patterns of the middle and proximal phalanges of the fingers were studied according to the recommendations of M. Ploetz-Radmann (1937). Results. The Russian population of the southern districts of the Tyumen region has a number of reliable gender and bilateral differences in dermatoglyphic features. Thus, in women ulnar loops on the fingers of right hand were observed more often than in men, and whorls were less common. The ridge count of I, IV and V fingers and the total ridge count in men was significantly higher than in women. There were significantly more whorls on the right side of these fingers of men. The angles of inclination of the patterns on the distal phalanges of all fingers were significantly larger on the right hands. The middle phalanx of the fingers was dominated by arcuate, angular patterns and patterns in the form of an arc and an angle. The proximal phalanx had straight, sickle-shaped, feather-shaped and undulating patterns. Conclusions. A set of digital parameters of the glabrous ridge skin was obtained which can serve as a of standard for the dermatoglyphic constitution of the Russian population in the south of the Tyumen region.




A. Chistikin

Tyumen State Medical University

Department of Pathological Anatomy and Forensic Medicine 54 Odesskaya St., Tyumen 625023

V. Kolomys

Tyumen State Medical University

Department of Normal and Topographical Anatomy 54 Odesskaya St., Tyumen 625023

T. Chistikina

Tyumen Institute for Advanced Training of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Department of Investigation of Crimes and Forensic Examinations 75 Amurskaya St., Tyumen 625049


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