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Objective - to conduct a morphometric evaluation of the end pieces of the prostatic glands, epithelium lining of the glands, and gland shape during the prenatal period and in the newborn boys. Materials and methods. The study has been performed on serial histological sections of the pelvic region of 47 human embryos and fetuses and the prostate of 7 newborns. The shape and size of the end pieces of glands and their lumina, epithelial cells of the end pieces of the glands and excretory ducts were studied. Results. The changes in size and shape of the end pieces of the glands and their lumina were detected. The transformation of epithelial cords into glandular tubules was not accompanied by an increase in their area, since the formation of a lumen occured by cell apoptosis. Conclusion. An increase in the height of the epithelium of the end pieces of the glands during the prenatal period and its decrease in the newborn boys were detected.




I. Pet’ko

Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University

Department of Human Anatomy 27 Frunze Av., Vitebsk 210023, Republic of Belarus

A. Usovich

Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University

Department of Human Anatomy 27 Frunze Av., Vitebsk 210023, Republic of Belarus


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