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Using the methods of luminescent microscopy, the results of injection of autologous multipotent stromal (mesenchymal) stem cells of bone marrow origin (SSCBMO) containing GFP gene, into thrombosed hindlimb vein were studied in 226 male Wag rats. It was found that the restoration of blood flow through the thrombosed main vein was not always the result of thrombolysis. No signs of incorporation of injected SSCBMO into the wall of thrombosed vessel, clot recanalization or collateral formation were detected. In experimental thrombosis model with thrombin administration and main vein ligation, the thrombosis of its small branches also took place. The restoration of blood flow occured via either blood clot recanalization or obliteration of thrombosed vessels and the outgrowth of the new ones. SSCBMO were found to participate in both of these processes resulting in faster restoration of a blood flow in the tissue microregion of thrombosed vein. Gradually the injected SSCBMO and the structures formed with their participation, were replaced by the own cells of a recipient organism.


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