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This investigation was aimed at the study of lipid-storing and lipid-synthesizing structures of human integument system. The study included the examination of the skin taken from 5 topographically different areas of the bodies of 30 individuals of both sexes (6 females and 24 males) aged 22-60 years. The sections were cut using the freezing microtome and stained for the demonstration of lipids with Sudan III and IV, Black B, Oil Red, and for the fluorescence microscopy - with the water solution of phosphine 3R and acetone solution of Nile red. It is demonstrated that the lipid-synthesizing structures of skin are: keratinocytes, sebaceous gland exocrinocytes, dermal and hypodermal adipocytes. Skin lipid-storing structures are represented by lipid- synthesizing structures and the spaces between the stratum corneum keratinocytes and by the superficial part of the lipid film, formed by sebum. The extent of lipid-storing and lipid-synthesizing structures depends on the skin topographic area and on the individual's gender. The results also show that fluorescence microscopy with different fluorochromes is superior to classical light optical microscopy, ensuring more precise determination of localization, cell outlines, dimensions and shape of skin lipid-storing and lipid-synthesizing structures.


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