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Using immunohistochemical and morphometric methods, the quantitative composition and structural localization of immunocompetent cells were studied in human spleen (n=20, autopsy material). The detailed morpho-functional characteristics of splenic white and red pulp are presented. Cell subpopulations of T (CD3 +, CD4 +, CD8 +) and B lymphocytes (CD20 +), natural killer cells (CD57 +), tissue macrophages (CD68 +) and dendritic cells (CD35 +, S100 +) were studied. An analysis of the correlations of immunocompetent cells in different regions of white and red pulp may become the basis for optimization of histopathological diagnosis definition in clinical practice




V. Zaitsev

Kirov State Medical Academy


N. Fedorovskaya

Kirov Scientific Research Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion


D. Diakonov

Kirov Scientific Research Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion


A. Fedorovskiy

Kirov State Medical Academy


L. Dorokh

Kirov State Medical Academy

Ye. Koledayeva

Kirov State Medical Academy

I. Gamulinskaya

Kirov State Medical Academy


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