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Visceral and parietal peritoneum was studied by electron microscopy in albino mice both in the process of ontogenesis and after its injury induced by the the intraperitoneal injection of 0.5% novocaine solution. It was shown that during the early stages of intrauterine development (Day 13) most of the mesotheliocytes and mesenchymal cells contained predominantly free ribosomes (polysomes) in their cytoplasm while other organelles were rare and were located near the nuclear envelope. Subsequently, the number of membranous organelles increased while that of polysomes decreased. One day after the injury of the mesothelium, undifferentiated mesotheliocytes containing numerous polysomes in their cytoplasm appeared at the margin of wound surface. In these cells the protrusion of membranes of nuclear envelope and their association with the membranous organelles (endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complex, mitochondria) were detected. The observed interrelations between the nuclear envelope and the membranous cytoplasmic organelles is considered to be a possible way of their formation in the undifferentiated cells. Rare occurrence of this phenomenon in adults animals under the pathological condition and its absence during the physiological regeneration is considered as a manifestation of the law of histogenetic recapitulation.




V. Ivanova

North-Western I. I. Mechnikov State Medical University



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