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The aim of the study was the structural and planimetric characteristics of the nuclei and intermediate formations of corticomedial and basolateral groups of structures of the amygdala and the primary somatosensory cortex in 10 alcohol-preferring (AP) and 10 alcohol non-preferring (ANP) rats, as well as demonstration of the ifferences in concentration of dopamine and its metabolite — 3,4 dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAK) in the amygdala. Measurements of absolute and specific areas of the structures studied were conducted on the cytoarchitectonic slides stained using Nissl cresyl violet method. No differences in the specific area of corticomedial and basolateral amygdala groups of structures were detected between two groups of rats studied. In ANP rats higher specific areas of the primary somatosensory cortex and of the amygdala in the left hemisphere were found, predetermined by the larger sizes of basolateral group. Analysis of DOPAK concentration in the amygdala revealed it in nearly equal quantities in AP and ANP rats, while, concentration of dopamine was significantly greater in AP rats. DOPAK/dopamine ratio was twice greater in AP rats which is indicative of dopamine accelerated metabolism.




A. Akhmadeyev

Bashkir State University

Department of Human and Animal Morphology and Physiology

A. Fyodorova

Bashkir State University

Department of Human and Animal Morphology and Physiology

L. Kalimullina

Bashkir State University

Department of Human and Animal Morphology and Physiology


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