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The purpose of this work was to examine the dependence of human cerebellar mass and its age dynamics on the body length and body-build type. The study was carried out on 295 objects - the corpses of the individuals of both sexes (173 males and 122 females) who died at the age of 20-99 years. The length of the body, the transverse diameter of the chest and the cerebellar mass were measured. Somatotype was determined by the Rees-Eysenck index. It was found that human cerebellar mass ranged from 103 to 197 g (with the average of 144±1.0 g) and was significantly greater in men than in women (150.5±1.3 g vs. 133.9±1.2 g, P<0.001). Age affected cerebellar mass in men (R=-0.46) more, than in women (R=-0.43). In men, a period of relative stability of the cerebellar mass lasted up to about 50 years and then was followed by a period of its decrease. In women, the stable period was observed until approximately 70 years. The cerebellar mass was related to the body length (R=0.35 for men and R=0.36 for women). The dependence of the cerebellar mass on the body length was greater in men (1.0 g/cm) greater than in women (0.5 g/cm): with the increase of the body length the difference in the values of the cerebellar mass between men and women was found to grow. The cerebellar mass in the individuals with various body-build types was not significantly different




A. Stepanenko

Khar’kov National Medical University



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