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The study was conducted on 6 female and 36 male adult Wistar rats to compare the effects of dissociated cells derived from different embryonic CNS anlages, on the growth of regenerating nerve fibers in the damaged nerve of the recipient. After the sciatic nerve was damaged by ligation, part of the animals received the injection into the proximal portion of the nerve with a suspension of the cells obtained by dissociation of the fragments of spinal cord or forebrain vesicle taken from rat embryos at Day 15 of development. The analysis of transverse semithin sections of the distal part of the nerves was performed 21 and 60 days after surgery. It was found that the number of regenerating myelinated nerve fibers was increased 60 days after the injection of dissociated embryonic spinal cord cells, but not the neocortical cells, into the damaged nerve of the recipient.




Ye. Petrova

North-Western Branch Institute of Experimental Medicine

Laboratory of the Functional Morphology of the Central and Peripheral Nervous System, Department of General and Special Morphology

Ye. Isayeva

State Research Institute of Highly Pure Biopreparations

Laboratory of Immunopharmacology


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