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The distribution of iron ions in the cerebellum of 15 human subjects aged 20-89-years was studied using highly-sensitive variant of Perls’ histochemical technique. Increased iron content was found in the white matter and in Purkinje cells. In 10 out of 15 cases examined iron was detected in the nuclei of Purkinje cells, while in some cases iron was found in the nucleolus.




D. Korzhevskiy

RAS Institute of Experimental Medicine

Laboratory of the Functional Morphology of the Central and Peripheral Nervous System, Department of General and Special Morphology

Ye. Sukhorukova

RAS Institute of Experimental Medicine

Laboratory of the Functional Morphology of the Central and Peripheral Nervous System, Department of General and Special Morphology

V. Gusel’nikova

RAS Institute of Experimental Medicine

Laboratory of the Functional Morphology of the Central and Peripheral Nervous System, Department of General and Special Morphology

O. Kirik

RAS Institute of Experimental Medicine

Laboratory of the Functional Morphology of the Central and Peripheral Nervous System, Department of General and Special Morphology

I. Grigoriyev

RAS Institute of Experimental Medicine

Laboratory of the Functional Morphology of the Central and Peripheral Nervous System, Department of General and Special Morphology


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