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The study was conducted on 15 male Wistar rats, which were injected intramuscularly with copper nanoparticle lyosols at a dose of 2.0 mg/kg body weight once a week for 3 months. Thyroid gland was removed 7 days after the last injection and was studied using histological, morphometric and immunohistochemical methods (demonstration of Ki-67 and caspase-3). Animals of the control group (n=15) were administered distilled water at the same time intervals. It was found that after 1, 2, 3 and 4 injections of copper nanoparticles, the thyroid gland contained an increased number of large cyst-like follicles, while the average thyrocyte height of and the volume of their nuclei were reduced, which indicate a decline in hormone production. After 12 injections of copper nanoparticles, the hyperplastic thyroid gland demonstrated small follicles lined with columnar epithelium, which contained no or small amount of the colloid. The number of mitotically dividing thyrocytes was increased. Parafollicular cells demonstrated an apoptotic dominant. Morphological data suggest goitrogenic effect of multiple doses of copper nanoparticles. The data received indicating the readiness of the thyroid cells to the programmed death and its possible depression (absence of signs of thyrocyte apoptosis) at different stages of the experiment confirm the modulating effect of copper on apoptosis.




V. Polyakova

Orenburg State University

Department of Pathological Anatomy

Ye. Sizova

Orenburg State University; All-Russian Research Institute of Beef Cattle Breeding

Department of General Biology; Laboratory of Agroecology of Technogenic Nanomaterials

S. Miroshnikov

Orenburg State University; All-Russian Research Institute of Beef Cattle Breeding

Institute of Bioelementology; Laboratory of Mineral Nutrition

S. Notova

Orenburg State University

Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

S. Zavaleyeva

Orenburg State University

Department of General Biology


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