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This review discusses the new data on the neurobiological processes which are associated with addiction. Addictive drugs provoke stable alterations in the brain, which are responsible for the long-term behavioral disturbances. The mechanisms that determine their development, are very similar to those involved in the other forms of neural plasticity. This is indicative of the existence of some pathways in the brain by means of which it adapts to different influences. Thus, the main features of addiction, memory and learning are equivalent, however, at present it remains unknown, which cellular and molecular alterations provoke almost permanent adaptations associated with addiction, learning and memory. Functionally, more significant effect is provoked by the addictive drugs in the developing central nervous system of adolescents due to the high level of plasticity characteristic of the young organism.


M Zhvaniya


N Dzhaparidze


L Gelazoniya


L Chilachava

N Meliya

M Zhvania

I. Beritahvili Institute of Physiology

; I. Beritahvili Institute of Physiology

N Dzhaparidze

I. Beritahvili Institute of Physiology

; I. Beritahvili Institute of Physiology

L Gelazonia

I. Beritahvili Institute of Physiology

; I. Beritahvili Institute of Physiology

L Chilachava

I. Beritahvili Institute of Physiology

; I. Beritahvili Institute of Physiology

N Melia

I. Beritahvili Institute of Physiology

; I. Beritahvili Institute of Physiology


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