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BHK-21 cells were incubated in a medium containing dopamine
(DA) and then their catecholamine content evaluated by
using the Falck cytochemical method. The significant intensification
of cell fluorescence as compared to that one in control
preparations was detected; this effect was proportional to DA
concentration and exposure duration and was more pronounced
in cells in suspension than in those attached to the substrate.
Simultaneous ultrastructural investigation has shown that an
increased intensity of the cytoplasm fluorescence correlated with
the appearance of the dense network of fibrils that were morphologically
identified as F-actin microfilaments. Prior blockade
of dopaminergic receptors by haloperidol did not change the
following DA effect both on the fluorescence intensity and cell
ultrastructure. The data obtained suggest that DA chronically acting
on the living cells was able to penetrate into the cytoplasm,
causing actin polymerization and incorporating into the newly
formed actin cytoskeleton. Structurally, this may be manifested
by cytoskeleton and its derivative hypertrophy, that could have a
substantial effect on general morphology of the cell.


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