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The structural peculiarities of the gastric submucosal vessels in the areas adjacent to the tumor, were studied in 63 patients with gastric cancer. It was found that the processes of tumoral angiogenesis affected not only a tumoral tissue, but also the submucosal regions adjacent to the tumor was characterized by an abnormal structure of its vascular network, their excessive twisting and pathological dilatation. In samples obtained from 33 out of 63 patients studied, the microcirculatory bed vessels were found to be formed by a single layer of endothelial cells. These vessels were found in 25 out of 28 patients with metastases in regional lymph nodes (89,3%) and only in 8 out of 35 patients without metastases (22,8%). The data obtained can be used for predicting the risk of lymphogenic metastase spread in patients with gastric cancer.


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