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The diaphyses of the tubular bones of seven men aged 40-60 years without the bone pathology were studied. Porosity characteristics of the compact substance were measured in the tibia and the humerus bones by the method of centrifugal porometry. This method is based on the filling of the objects studied with the wetting fluid and sequential removal of it by the centrifugation at increasing values of the centrifugal acceleration; as a result, the values of the radii of the pores and the respective distribution function of the pore volume could be obtained. The individual features of the bone porosity in different persons were detected, as well as the similarity of porosity characteristics of the bones belonging to one person. Porosity individual features are demonstrated in the form of the distribution curve of pore size and the quantitative distribution of porosity volume according to the pore radii. These features allow to confidently detect the belonging of bones to one person.


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