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Using light microscopy, morphometry and immunohistochemistry, the epidermis of 72 male and female rats was examined 1 day and 1 month after the completion of daily cutaneous applications of vitamin D 3–containing composition lasting for two weeks. It was found that vitamin D3 causes a statistically significant reduction in the thickness of interfollicular epidermis and in the number of Ki-67 positive keratinocytes. The identified effects persisted for 1 month after the last application of the preparation. Modifying influence of vitamin D 3 on the morphogenetic processes in the epidermis, which were manifested, in particular, by a decreased proliferative activity of keratinocytes, is discussed in the light of the data on the possibility of the formation of its active metabolite – calcitriol – directly in the skin.




S. Zhuchkov

Medical Institute of Oryol State University

Email: orelhistret@orl.ru

T. Belousova

Medical Institute of Oryol State University

Email: belousova@retinoids.ru

V. Nozdrin

«Retinoids» Pharmaceutical Scientific-Production Enterprise

Email: science@retinoids.ru


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