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The purpose of this study was to compare the morphological changes in the focus of ischemic stroke under the influence of the drugs of neurotrophic group (alpha-GPC, cerebrolysin), drugs possessing the nootropic properties (piracetam) and those with combined effect (vinpocetin). The experiments were performed in 18 rats. Temporary disturbance of cerebral circulation (acute ischemia) in right cerebral hemisphere was induced by clipping the trunk of innominate artery for 40 minutes. Areas of cerebral cortex, brainstem and cerebellar cortex were studied using light and electron microscopy. Treatment with alpha-GPC or cerebrolysin resulted in an increased tolerance of neurons to ischemic damage and in delayed realization of the program of cell death. Some intracellular changes were detected that could be regarded as the signs of adaptation and repair (indentation of nuclear envelope, increased number of ribosomes, hypertrophy of endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi complex). These drugs preserved the structure of the membranes in the nucleus and major organelles. In animals treated with piracetam and vinpocetin, all morphological signs were indicative of insufficient supply of energy-consuming processes of repair in the acute phase of ischemic stroke. This was accompanied by morphological features of functional stress of the neurons of the cerebral cortex, different stages of gliocyte apoptosis, phenomenon of incomplete separation of gliocytes during their proliferation, myelin and unmyelinated nerve fiber pathology, as well as by changes in synapse structure.


L Onishchenko

O Gaykova

S Yanishevskiy

L Onishchenko

Military Medical Academy

; Military Medical Academy

O Gaikova

Military Medical Academy

; Military Medical Academy

S Yanishevskiy

Military Medical Academy

; Military Medical Academy


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