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The review analyses the data on the structure of submandibular (SMG), parotid and sublingual salivary glands in rodents and on biologically active substances produced by them. The evidence is presented on the mutual influence of rodent major salivary glands (MSG) and the testes. Special attention is paid to gender differences of MSG in rodents, which are more fully apparent in mature individuals and are most pronounced in SMG. Sexual dimorphism is morphologically manifested in a larger size of secretory portions, the relative areas of granular and interlobular excretory ducts of SMG and greater number of granular cells of striated ducts of the sublingual glands in males. Biochemically sexual dimorphism is characterized by different amounts of biologically active substances secreted by the epithelial cells of secretory portions and granular cells of the ducts. Epidermal growth factor, nerve growth factor, kallikrein and other substances are synthesized in granular cells of the excretory ducts of all MSG in rodents, however, to the greatest extent - by SMG. The higher content of physiologically active substances in MSG saliva in males plays an important biological role.

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About the authors

V. V. Ivanova

Siberian State Medical University

Department of Morphology and General Pathology

I. V. Mil’to

Siberian State Medical University; National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University

Department of Morphology and General Pathology; Department of Biotechnology and Organic Chemistry

I. V. Sukhodolo

Siberian State Medical University

Department of Morphology and General Pathology

O. N. Serebryakova

Siberian State Medical University

Department of Morphology and General Pathology

A. V. Buzenkova

Siberian State Medical University

Department of Morphology and General Pathology


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