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Morphological features of neurons and synaptic contacts were studied in the remote period of ontogenesis (days 80-90) in the neocortex of 28 Wistar rats after acute perinatal hypoxia and subsequent saliphene application. Intact animals of the same age were used as control. Light and electron microscopy methods were used, as well as immunocytochemical method for synaptophysin demonstration and morphometric methods. It was shown that hypoxia in the perinatal period lead to structural changes in the neocortical neurons in adult animals. Some big pyramidal neurons of layer V were degenerated, the density of synaptic contacts in deep layers of the neocortex was decreased (almost twice). The disturbances revealed may have been caused by the modification of the program of development of structures and interneuron connections that accounts for functional brain pathology formation. It was found that application of “Salifen” medication, developed in Russia, after hypoxia had a protective effect on neurons, their differentiation and synaptogenesis. This suggests the clinical efficacy of this drug and serves as a basis for further research in this direction

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About the authors

V. A. Otellin

RAS I. P.Pavlov Institute of Physiology


L. I. Khozhai

RAS I. P.Pavlov Institute of Physiology


T. T. Shishko

RAS I. P.Pavlov Institute of Physiology


I. N. Tyurenkov

Volgograd State Medical University



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