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The study was performed on Sprague Dawley male rats, which were divided into 3 groups (6 animals in each). The 1st group consisted of intact animals; the 2nd group - of animals treated with the preparation basis (zinc paste); the 3rd group included the animals that received the application of a third fraction of Dorogov’s antiseptic-stimulator (DAS) on their dorsal skin. The study of c-Fos positive neurons in different regions of the brain and the registration of behavioral reactions showed the activation of neurons in the cingulate, motor, piriform cortex and striatum, as well as the increase in motor and ultrasonic activity. It has also demonstrated the correlation of behavioral reactions with the neuronal activation in the brain regions studied. The results suggest a co-regulation of the behavior by many brain structures and indicate the presence of DAS neurotrophic effect.

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About the authors

G. A. Piavchenko

Oryol I. S. Turgenev State University; “Retinoids” Pharmaceutical Joint-Stock Company

Email: givis1992@mail.ru

V. A Pugach

Institute of Experimental Medicine

Email: glandula_pinealis@mail.ru

N. S. Novikova

Institute of Experimental Medicine

Email: novikiem@gmail.com

L. I. Shmarkova

Orel State Institute of Economics and Trade

Email: shmarkova_lara@mail.ru

Ye. A. Korneva

Institute of Experimental Medicine

Email: korneva_helen@mail.ru

V. I. Nozdrin

Oryol I. S. Turgenev State University; “Retinoids” Pharmaceutical Joint-Stock Company

Email: science@retinoids.ru


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