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The paper contains the concise review of the structure of the various parts of lymphatic bed, together with the new data on the structure, molecular organization and function of the endothelial cells lining the lymphatic bed vessels. The role of caveolae and intramural lymphatic valves in the trans-endothelial transport is evaluated. On the example of the inter-endotheliocyte junctions in the lymphatic capillaries of the intestinal villus, the structural details are described that provide a new insight of the processes of the interstitial fluid and macromolecules during lymph formation. An active mechanism of the interstitial fluid resorption and lymph formation is validated. The hypothesis is proposed that the organization of lymphatic capillaries described is dictated by the necessity of antigen presentation to the immunocompetent cells in the lymph node.

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About the authors

N. R. Karelina

St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

Email: karelina_nr@gpma.ru

I. S. Sesorova

Ivanovo State Medical Academy

Email: Irina-S3@yandex.ru

G. V. Beznusenko

The FIRC Institute of Molecular Oncology

Email: galina-beznusenko@yandex.ru

V. K. Shishlo

RAS Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

Email: kisa0303@yandex.ru

V. V. Sesorov

Ivanovo State Medical Academy

Email: vit-sesorov@yandex.ru

T. E. Kazakova

Ivanovo State University

Email: ttattyana@list.ru

A. A. Mironov

The FIRC Institute of Molecular Oncology

Email: mironaaa@yandex.ru


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