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Variant anatomy and topography of myocardial bridges and loops were examined by macro-microscopic preparation and histotopographic method in hearts obtained from cadavers of 55patients who died from diseases unrelated to cardiac pathology. The frequency of detection of myocardial bridges and loops was 65.4%. One to five myocardial bridges and loops could be found in one heart. The ranges of variations of their width and topography were determined. Differences in the frequency of location of myocardial bridges and loops around left and right coronary arteries and their main branches were demonstrated. It is suggested that myocardial bridges and loops are an integral part of coronary artery topography, specifically, of major branches of left coronary artery: anterior interventricular and circumflex arteries.

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About the authors

I. I. Kagan

Orenburg State Medical University

S. S. Mikhailov Department of Operative Surgery and Clinical Anatomy

N. N. Tyutyunnikova

Orenburg State Medical University

S. S. Mikhailov Department of Operative Surgery and Clinical Anatomy


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