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Macro-microscopic structure and microtopography of calcaneal tendon were studied on 23 samples. It was found that calcaneal tendon had a regular structural organization characterized by close adhesion of tendon fibers, variable in shape and size, and a specific architectonics of their location. The total number of tendon fibers and the proportion of their different types can change throughout the tendon, which indicates the possibility of their fusion and division. Cellular space located along the anterior surface of the Achilles tendon - pre-calcaneal (Kager’s) fat pad is limited by the sheets of crural own fascia of the leg and an outer layer of paratendinium, internal processes of which divide the adipose tissue into individual lobules.

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About the authors

A. M. Guryanov

Orenburg State Medical University

Department of Traumatology, Orthopedics and Military Field Surgery

V. V. Ivlev

Orenburg State Medical University

S. S. Mikhailov Department of Operative Surgery and Clinical Anatomy


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