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Objective - to examine the effect of aleutian gene (a/a) on the morphology of blood neutrophils in American mink (Neovison vison) of various colors. Materials and methods. The study was performed on American minks (Neovison vison) of several colors (n=92, 6 months-old animals). The morphology of neutrophils was studied in the peripheral blood smears using light microscopy. Abnormal granule size and numbers were determined by morphometric analysis in homozygous minks with aleutian gene (a/a). Results. The neutrophils of leukocytes in minks without the aleutian gene (a/a) in a homozygous state were morphologically similar to those in most other mammalian species. In minks carrying the recessive (a/a) mutation: aleutian (a/a), sapphire (a/a p/p), lavender (m/m a/a), violet (m/m a/a p/p), Shadow sapphire (SH/+a/a p/p), sapphire Leopard (SK/+a/a p/p), Cross sapphire (S/+a/a p/p) - the neutrophils had abnormally large granules. Morphometric analysis revealed the significantly differences in size and numbers of the abnormal neutrophilic granules between minks of various colors. Among mink genotypes studied, the most expressed abnormalities were expressed in violet minks (m/m a/a p/p) due to the greatest number of «giant» granules in their neutrophils that had the smallest size as compared with those in other mink mutant forms. Conclusions. The aleutian gene (a/a) affects the structure of blood neutrophils in all mink colors. The defect Neutrophil granule abnormality is modified by genetic environment, which affects the coat color in minks.

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About the authors

L. B. Uzenbayeva

RAS Karelian Research Center Institute of Biology

Laboratory of Ecological Physiology of Animals 11 Pushkinskaya Str., Petrozavodsk 185910

A. G. Kizhina

RAS Karelian Research Center Institute of Biology

Laboratory of Ecological Physiology of Animals 11 Pushkinskaya Str., Petrozavodsk 185910

L. I. Trapezova

RAS Siberian Branch Institute of Cytology and Genetics

Laboratory of Genetics and Selection of Fur and Farm Animals 10 Prospekt Lavrentiyeva, Novosibirsk 630090

V. A. Ilyukha

RAS Karelian Research Center Institute of Biology

Laboratory of Ecological Physiology of Animals 11 Pushkinskaya Str., Petrozavodsk 185910

N. N. Tyutyunnik

RAS Karelian Research Center Institute of Biology

Laboratory of Ecological Physiology of Animals 11 Pushkinskaya Str., Petrozavodsk 185910

O. V. Trapezov

RAS Siberian Branch Institute of Cytology and Genetics

Laboratory of Genetics and Selection of Fur and Farm Animals 10 Prospekt Lavrentiyeva, Novosibirsk 630090


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