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Objective - a comparative study of retinal ganglion cell (RGC) numbers in mice having a genetic defect of various subtypes of alpha-1-adrenoreceptors. Materials and methods. The study was performed on 36 laboratory mice aged more than 1 year and 6 months with a genetic defect of one of the subtypes of alpha-1-adrenoreceptors (alpha-1a, alpha-1b, alpha-1d). The control group (C57Bl/6NTac mice) included intact laboratory mice of the same age and gender. An immunofluorescence technique for the differentiated visual ization of retinal cells in the retinal wholemount preparations with Brn3a marker allowing to calculate them, was used. Results. It was found that mice with a genetic defect of alpha-1b-and alpha-1d-adrenoceptors had greater, while mice with a defect of alpha-1a-adrenoceptors had lower numbers of RGC, than that in the intact mice of the same age. At the same time, it was detected that the total number of retinal cells in mice of all the strains studied was almost identical. Conclusions. The results obtained demonstrate the specific contribution of each subtype of alpha-1-adrenoceptors (alpha-1a, alpha-1b, alpha-1d) to the process of formation of topography of the retina and, therefore, its functional characteristics.

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About the authors

N. V. Korsakova

I. N. Uliyanov Chuvash State University; S. N. Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Federal State Center

Department of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology; Cheboksary Branch 15 Moskovskiy prospekt, Cheboksary 428000; 10 Prospekt Traktorostroiteley, Cheboksary 428028


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