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Objective - to study the systemic organization of the human humerus. Materials and methods. Osteometry was performed on 154 (D = S = 77) human humeral bones. The data obtained were normalized to the respective diaphysis transverse diameter value. The confidence intervals of the obtained relative and absolute values were determined at α = 0.05. Data analysis was carried out by the principal component method with Equamax normalized rotation, taking into account bone lateralization, based on the Spearman correlation matrix for both absolute and relative values. Results. Right-sided asymmetry of development of the head-shaft angles and the angles between cartilaginous margin of the head and the diaphysis was demonstrated for the first time. Three levels of bone systemic organization were defined. Stable and unstable system-forming parameters were detected. The increase in the number of unstable system-forming parameters of the distal epiphysis compared with the proximal one indicates a morpho-functional asymmetric differentiation of the bone epiphyses. Conclusions. Human humerus is characterized by an asymmetry of the systemic organization, vertical differentiation of epiphyses.

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About the authors

I. N. Yashina

Kursk State Medical University

Department of Human Anatomy 3 Karl Marx St., Kursk 305041

A. V. Ivanov

Kursk State Medical University

Department of Histology, Embryology and Cytology 3 Karl Marx St., Kursk 305041

M. A. Ivanov

St. Petersburg State Budgetary Health care Institution “Hospital for War Veterans”

21 Build. 2 Narodnaya St., St. Petersburg 193079

Ali A. Samaha

Lebanese International University

Department of Bio medical Sciences Beirut 146404 Mazraa


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