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The aim of this work was to determine, on the basis of the results of authors' own research and literature data, the main pathways of osteocyte (OC) influence on the mechanical homeostasis of the skeleton. The following pathways of reorganization of the architecture of bone structures are postulated: at the ultrastructural level without direct cell participation, through the bone matrix synthesis by osteoblasts and OC, through bone matrix resorption by osteoclasts and OC, the latter being able to resorb the surrounding mineral and organic matrix both separately, and conjointly. This reorganization results in local changes of the mechanical characteristics of bones due to changes in: porosity of interstitial spaces, transport ability of the lacunar-canalicular system, porosity of the area of osteoblastic-osteoclastic remodeling, modeling of bone structures. From the point of view of adaptation theory it is highly significant that the subtle local control of bone structures is able to induce changes in the parameters of the mechanical environment, which, on the one hand, would correspond to OC metabolic requirements and, on the other hand, would support the parameters of body mineral homeostasis.


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