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The aim of this work was to study the structure of pancreas in the dogs with impaired glucose tolerance exposed to single short and repeated physical loads. The experiments were conducted in 26 male dogs aged 2-4 years, 10 animals formed the control group. The exposure was modeled as a run on treadmill with the velocity of 15 km/hr. The structure of the pancreas was examined using histological, electron microscopic and morphometric methods. Single short-term physical load was accompanied by predominantly compensatory and adaptive changes in both exocrine and endocrine parts of the gland. Among these changes the most significant were the stimulation and some small disturbances of a local blood flow in parainsular areas of the pancreatic endocrine part, as well as some signs indicative of the stimulation of insulin and pancreatic enzyme synthesis and secretion. After repeated physical c loads, the pronounced disturbances of the microcirculation were found in the exocrine part of the gland, which were accompanied by insulinocyte edema and local destruction. It is concluded that in the animals with impaired glucose tolerance, the repeated physical c loads of even moderate intensity could be the factor provoking tissue damage.


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