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The structural and functional reorganization of the synovial membrane of the knee joint capsule was studied in 22 individuals of mature age (30–65 years) of both genders with the use of light and electron microscopy, histochemistry, immunohistochemistry and morphometry. The morpho-functional peculiarities of the synovial membrane remodeling in the II period of mature age included: increase the in the synovial intima thickness; significant accumulation of type IV collagen at the border of synovial intima with the subintimal fibrovascular layer of synovial membrane; activation of matrix metalloproteinases ММР-2 and ММР-9; increased cell proapoptotic activity in synovial intima. Collectively, these changes may initiate the disturbances in fluid production and the development of the degenerative-dystrophic processes in the articular cartilage at this stage of ontogenesis.

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About the authors

T. G. Kozhanova

Orenburg State Medical Academy


V. S. Polyakova

Orenburg State Medical Academy


E. E. Mkhitaryan

Orenburg State Medical Academy


K. N. Meshcheryakov

Orenburg State Medical Academy



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