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Esophageal submucosal glands (esophageal glands proper) were studied in 19 individuals of elderly and senile age (without subdivision according to gender), as well as in persons of I period of mature age (6 to 7 cases in each group). It was shown that the glandular acini contained thin, elongated cells and cuboidal cells between the mucocytes surrounded by the myoepithelial cells. Around the acini, the myofibroblasts were found. The number of fibroblasts and lymphocytes in glandular stroma increased with age. The number of plasma cells was increased with age in the stroma of the glands of the upper part of the esophagus. Small excretory ducts were arranged in groups, often surrounded by the clusters of lymphoid cells. The number of lymphoid cells and fibroblasts around the large excretory ducts was found to increase with age.

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About the authors

G. G. Aminova

RAMS Institute of Morphology



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