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Morphometric characteristics of the condyles of the femur and tibia were studied in100 skeletons of the lower limb of adult individuals of I and II periods of mature age. Longitudinal, transverse and vertical sizes were measured, and on the basis of these data the indexes of conformity of the condyles of these bones between themselves were calculated. The wide range of variant anatomy of the condyles of both bones was found, as well as the presence of pronounced individual features. In men all the dimensions studied of the condyles were larger than in women. The results of the measurements of the condyles for both bones revealed 3 variant forms: with a predominance of medial condyle dimensions, with equal sizes of the medial and lateral condyle, and with a predominance of size of the lateral condyle. Indexes of conformity of the femoral and tibial condyles, proposed by us, demonstrated that the longitudinal dimensions of the femoral condyles prevailed over the corresponding sizes of the tibial condyles, while their transverse dimensions were virtually identical.

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About the authors

I. V. Gaivoronskiy

S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy

Department of Normal Anatomy

V. V. Khominets

S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy

Department of Military Traumatology and Orthopedics

L. A. Udochkina

Astrakhan’ State Medical Academy

Department of Human Anatomy

A. A. Semyonov

S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy

Department of Military Traumatology and Orthopedics

Ye. B. Grinberg

Astrakhan’ State Medical Academy

Department of Human Anatomy


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