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Syncytial interneuronal connections were studied in the sensomotor cortex and caudate nucleus of twenty 14-22 day rat embryos. It was shown that with the extremely weak development of glial processes, many neuronal bodies and their processes were in the direct contact with each other. The contacting membranes in these areas formed oblong and dot-like contacts resembling gap and tight junctions. As a result, the intercellular cleft experienced varicose-like deformations. In the area of contacts, barely visible membrane pores were formed that broadened to form large perforations. The perforation margins presented the rounded shape of fused plasma membranes of adjacent neurons. Inside the perforations, residual vesicular membranous bodies were formed. The areas of the paired membranes between perforations were fragmented, thus increasing the number of residual vesicles, until the neurons fused with each other completely by unifying the neuroplasm of contacting cells. The results of these studies suggest that that the fusion of neurons in vertebrate brain cortex and brainstem nuclei could occur not only in pathology, but also in normal animals at the stage of embryonic development.


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