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To demonstrate the individual variability of hyoid bone in 50adult men and 50 women with a different variants of neck structure, the following methods were used: anthropometry, anatomical preparation and a stereomorphometry of 100 hyoid bone samples, the correlation and variation-statistical analysis using thoracic-height (T) and cervical (C) indexes. The results have shown that total degree of squares of values of correlation (R) of C with hyoid bone parameters and anthropometry exceeds similar value of T, which confirmed the necessity for subdivision of the individuals into three groups on the basis of C value: in men R=8.585, in women R=11.277; on the basis of Т value - R=3.062 in men, R=4.484 in women. Among the groups, both in men and women, the sum of the squares of correlations of C with anthropometrical parameters and hyoid bone parameters - the maximum value was detected in the groups with an intermediate variant of the neck structure (3.354 and 7.409), the minimal value - in the group with a long and thin neck (1.666 and 3.717). The variation-statistical data are presented on the 7 hyoid bone parameters, which are most significant for morphologists and surgeons. Using the method of σ-deviations of hyoid bone parameters with the consideration of the variants of neck structure, the zones of variability of the average values of hyoid bone were detected. The hypothesis is put forward, stating that the deviation of the average values by more than 3σ is indicative of the unusual phenomenon and could be associated with pathology.


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