Regenerative osteogenesis at the interface of tissue-osteoplastic material

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BACKGROUND: About a half a century ago, the concept of physiological regeneration of bone tissue was developed, which is based on the functioning of basic multicellular units (BMUs). Later it was shown that such an approach can also be used to understand the regularities of reparative regeneration. Bone grafting with the use of gene-activated synthetic replacement materials introduces additional features into the reparative process, consisting in the fact that the material itself becomes a direct participant in the process. Bone graft sequentially undergoes resorption, metabolism, becomes a matrix on the basis of which the basic multicellular units implement the process of regenerative osteogenesis.

AIM: to reveal the work of BMUs in a human bone wound during implantation of a gene-activated osteoplastic material from octacalcium phosphate. The material was 16 biopsies obtained during two-stage dental implantation 6 months after bone grafting.

METHODS: The results were obtained using microfocal computed tomography, histological and immunohistochemical studies, histomorphometry with statistical processing of the data obtained.

RESULTS: According to the results of the study, both in the case of using an ordinary product and when using a gene-activated material based on octacalcium phosphate (OCP), the bone regenerate was represented by a multi-tissue structure formed by bone beams surrounding non-resorbed fragments of bone replacement products. In histomorphometric analysis of gene-activated material, the median area of ​​unresorbed granules was 0,039 mm2 (Q1=0,013 mm2; Q3=0,079 mm2), and the median area of ​​osteoclasts was 67 cells/mm2 (Q1=22 cells/mm2; Q3=235 cells/mm2). In the group using an ordinary product – 0,029 mm2 (Q1=0,009 mm2; Q3=0,068 mm2 and 15 cells/mm2 (Q1=0 cells/mm2; Q3=79 cells/mm2), respectively.

CONCLUSION: It has been established that BMUs that are in various phases of functional activity - resorption, reversion, formation and rest can be detected at the gene-activated material-bone interface. The last phase appears only in those cases when the components of the material do not induce osteogenesis.

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Funding source. The study had no sponsorship and was conducted with careful consideration.

Competing interests. E.V. Presnyakov, I.Y. Bozo, R.V. Deev are current employees of Gistograft LLC.

Authors’ contribution. All authors confirm that their authorship meets the international ICMJE criteria (all authors made a significant contribution to the development of the concept, conduct of the study and preparation of the article, read and approved the final version before publication). The largest contribution is distributed as follows: E.V. Presnyakov - collection and processing of material, writing the text; H.R. Kurbonov - literature review, collection and processing of material, writing the text; I.P. Soroceanu - literature review, collection and processing of material, writing the text; N.I. Zhemkov - collection and processing of material, writing the text; D.F. Galbatsov – collection and processing of material, writing the text; P.S. Podluzhny – collection and processing of material; I.A. Larionov – conducting microfocus computed tomography, processing the results obtained; V.B. Bessonov – conducting microfocus computed tomography, processing the results; A.M. Emelin – collection and processing of material, writing the text; AND I. Bozo – study concept and design, writing and editing; R.V. Deev—conception and design of the study, writing and editing the text.

Fig. 1. Formula for calculating the resorption index.

Fig. 2.    Istribution of granules of osteoplastic material in the biopsy specimen: 1 – fragments of the «Histograft» material; 2 - bone regenerate. Scale bar 1 mm. mCT scan

Fig. 3.    Features of bone regenerate using CCM (left column) and GAM (right column): 1 – fragments of osteoplastic material; 2 – newly formed bone tissue; 3 – connective tissue with varying degrees of ordering of collagen fibers; 4 – osteoid; 5 – collagen fibers (brown); 6 – argyrophilic fibers (black); 7 – multinucleated cells resorbing material; 8 – macrophages. Staining: A, G – hematoxylin and eosin; B – trichrome according to Mallory; C, D, H – Masson-Goldner trichrome, E, F – impregnation with silver nitrate. The scale bar is indicated in the images

Fig. 4.    Surface osteoblastic activity when using OCP-based osteoplastic material. 1 – newly formed bone tissue; 2 – OCP microgranules; 3 – dense fibrous connective tissue; 4 – active osteoblasts synthesizing bone matrix; 5 – macrophages. Scale bar: A – 20 µm; B – 50 µm. Staining: Masson-Goldner trichrome. The scale bar is indicated in the images.

Fig. 5.    Example of an IHC reaction with antibodies to CD31 (top row) and to CA2 (bottom row). Endotheliocytes are cells with a cytoplasmic staining pattern. Osteoclasts are large multinucleated cells with a cytoplasmic staining pattern. The reaction product is brown. A, C – material based on CCM; B, D – material based on OCP. Counter-staining with Mayer's hematoxylin. The scale bar is indicated in the images

Fig. 6.    The area of non-resorbed fragments of osteoplastic materials 6 months after implantation. “Bio-Oss” – ordinary products based on xenogeneic bone matrix; “Histograft” – gene-activated synthetic products based on octacalcium phosphate

Fig. 7.    Osteoclast index 6 months after implantation. “Bio-Oss” – ordinary products based on xenogeneic bone matrix; “Histograft” are gene-activated synthetic products based on octacalcium phosphate


About the authors

Evgeniy Presnyakov

Russian Scientific Center for Surgery named after Academician B.V. Petrovsky; Research Institute of Human Morphology; Histograft LLC

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-1546-5129

врач-патологоанатом, научный сотрудник R&D отдела, научный сотрудник лаборатории патологии и морфологии опорно-двигательного аппарата

Russian Federation

Khurshed Kurbonov


Irina Sorochanu


Nikita Zhemkov


Dzhamal Galbatsov


Pavel Podluzhny


Ivan Larionov


Viktor Bessonov


Aleksey Emelin


Il'ya Bozo


Roman Deev



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