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Venous structures in the retropubic area were studied anatomically on 48 unfixed corpses (34 male and 14 female) using anatomical dissection. Anatomical experiments with the infusion of black ink solution were performed to trace the direction of blood flow and to detect the valves in the veins. In the retropubic area, the venous complex was found that consisted of the upper retropubic arcuate vein (in 75% of cases), the median retropubic arcuate vein (in 20.8%), and, in the case of unreduced type of the venous system, - the retropubic venous plexus (in 54.1%). In the case of discontinuous type of venous arcs and plexus (in 31.2%), an avascular zone was found behind the pubic symphysis which provided conditions for «bloodless» operations. In 31.2% of cases, the venous complex was connected to the prevesical plexus through avalvular communications. The connections between the retropubic veins and the inguinal magistral veins can be both valvular and avalvular.




A. Tarasko

Novokuznetsk Medical Institute of Postgraduate Education


O. Bondarev

Novokuznetsk Medical Institute of Postgraduate Education


P. Azarov

Novokuznetsk Medical Institute of Postgraduate Education


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