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On the basis of literature data and the authors’ original research, morphologic characteristics of mechanisms that determine mechanical properties of bone structures at nanolevel are summarized, and future perspectives and methods of research are formulated. It is shown that one of the mechanisms defining mechanical properties of the skeleton is represented by the bonds formed between organic matrix components that are mediated by bivalent ions. A hypothesis is formulated that bonds between minerals through their hydrate layer play the main role in the establishment of hierarchical mineral matrix organization and its properties. Probing bone structures by x-ray spectral methods like XANES spectroscopy was suggested as a perspective technology for investigating local electron and atomic structure of hydrate layer and its participation in the functioning of nanolevel mechanisms defining mechanical and physico-chemical bone tissue properties. It is suggested that such morphological investigation with the use of calculated simulation could be helpful in getting a more complete knowledge of mechanical characteristics and properties of bone matrix mineral component.




A. Avrunin

Russian R. R. Vreden Scientific Research Institute of Trauma tology and Orthopedics


A. Pavlychev

St. Petersburg State University

Yu. Denisov-Nikolskiy

Russian Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants

A. Doktorov

Russian Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants


A. Vinogradov

St. Petersburg State University

E. Filatova

St. Petersburg State University

Yu. Krivosenko

St. Petersburg State University

I. Shubnyakov

Russian R. R. Vreden Scientific Research Institute of Trauma tology and Orthopedics


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