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Objective - to examine and compare maxillary morphometric parameters in normal eruption of wisdom teeth and in their retention. Materials and methods. Skulls of 80 adult people were studied that were divided into 4 groups: I - with erupted third molars; II - without the wisdom teeth germs; III - with unilateral retention of upper third molars and IV - with bilateral retention. Results. It was established that in terms of its morphometric parameters, the maxilla with bilateral retention was maximally close to that with missing germs of wisdom teeth, while the maxilla with unilateral retention was close to that with fully erupted third molars. Significant differences between the investigated groups were found in the length of the alveolar arch, the tuberal distance, the distance between prostion and basion, the distance from the incisor to the greater palatine foramina. Along with this, in difficult eruption of third molars, a decrease in the parameters of the bony palate was shown together with the presence of differences in the structure of the gnathic part of the face associated with a more distal maxillar position in retention. Conclusions. Full and timely eruption of wisdom teeth has a significant effect on the maxillary growth, as well as on the vertical profiling of the face.




M. Gaivoronskaya

St. Petersburg State University; S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy

Department of Morphology, Medical Faculty; Department of Maxillofacial Surgery and Surgical Dentistry

I. Gaivoronskiy

St. Petersburg State University; S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy

Department of Morphology, Medical Faculty; Department of Normal Anatomy

A. Ponomaryov

Belgorod National Research University

Department of Therapeutic Stomatology, Medical Institute

V. Shashkov

S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy

Department of Normal Anatomy


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