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Objective - to study the characteristics of body composition of 8-12 years-old boys living in Tyumen city who started martial art classes. Material and methods. A total of 43 boys aged 8-18 years with allergic rhinitis and 43 boys of the same age belonging to Ist and IInd health groups were recruited. The fat, muscle and bone components of the body mass were studied using ABC01 Medass bioimpedance analyzer with following analysis by J. Matiegka’s method. Results. The rate of body mass gain in boys in the second childhood was uneven. The minimal rate was detected in boys aged 8-9 years; it started to increase substantially from the age of 10. Conclusions. Bioimpedance method of estimating the body composition of boys who start martial art classes helps their physician and coach to assess the children’s adaptation to physical exercises and to correct the training process.




S. Solovyova

Tyumen State Medical University

Department of Biology 54 Odesskaya St, Tyumen 625023

A. Durov

Tyumen State Medical University; Tyumen State University

Department of Biology; Department of Humanities and Natural Science Fundamentals of Physical Culture and Sports 54 Odesskaya St, Tyumen 625023; 6 Volodarsky St, Tyumen 625003

N. Prokopiyev

Tyumen State University

Department of Humanities and Natural Science Fundamentals of Physical Culture and Sports 6 Volodarsky St, Tyumen 625003

D. Gubin

Tyumen State Medical University

Department of Biology 54 Odesskaya St, Tyumen 625023

T. Zuyevskaya

Khanty-Mansiysk Medical Academy

Department of Internal Medicine Propedeutics and Faculty Therapy 40 Mira St., Khanty-Mansiysk 628011


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