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In this research that was performed on isolated neurons of mollusk Lymnaea stagnalis, using neuron enucleation, the cytoplast was obtained which was then fused with another neuron resulting in cybrid formation. The experiments performed have shown that the isolated neurons are able to fuse with each other, forming binuclear neurons; also, like all other cells, they could be enucleated with the formation of cyto- and karyoplasts and, after fusion, they can form cell body-cytoplast, cytoplasts-karyoplast, and other complexes. This is associated with the appearance of all doubtless indicators of fusion described for fusion of nerve cell bodies. This work demonstrates the possibility to artificially fuse the amputated neuroplasm fragment with neuronal cell body - the metabolic center of another cell. Theoretically, this means that in vivo amputated neuronal process also can be fused with a novel cell.


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