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To evaluate the degree of skeletal muscle regeneration in 15 adult Wistar rats, the closed partial crush injury of anterior tibial muscle was modeled. The study was performed using the methods of light microscopy and computer-assisted morphometry of semithin sections. The continuity of the crushed muscle fibres (MF) was restored by day 21 after the injury. After 90 days endomysial fibrosis was substantially reduced and its vasculairity increased; the variability of MF diameters was restored, however the branched structure and myopathic changes of the regenerated tissue persisted and were presumably associated with an incomplete reinnervation of the damaged intramuscular nerves.




N. Shchudlo

G. A. Ilizarov Russian Scientific Center for Restorative Traumatology and Orthopedics

Clinical-and-Experimental Laboratory of Reconstructive-and-Restorative Microsurgery and Surgery of the Hand

M. Shchudlo

G. A. Ilizarov Russian Scientific Center for Restorative Traumatology and Orthopedics

Email: m.m.sch@mail.ru
Clinical-and-Experimental Laboratory of Reconstructive-and-Restorative Microsurgery and Surgery of the Hand

N. Kononovich

G. A. Ilizarov Russian Scientific Center for Restorative Traumatology and Orthopedics

Clinical-and-Experimental Laboratory of Reconstructive-and-Restorative Microsurgery and Surgery of the Hand


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