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The uterine tissues of female rats (n=30) with a scarred myometrium were examined by methods of light microscopy after the delivery. 1.5-2 months after the delivery no significant differences in the parameters of blood and lymph flow in the deep layers of the endometrium, myometrium and the myometrial scar tissue were found between the intact rats, nulliparous rats with a scarred uterus, rats that gave birth after laparotomy only and those that gave birth under the conditions of myometrial scar. In the course of pregnancy and labor activity, the damage of the tissues was observed not in the uterine scar proper, but at its borders with the myometrium. This is supported by the old hemorrhages and lymphostasis phenomena, greater number of lymphocytes, neutrophils, monocytes, macrophages and erythrocytes. In determining the indications and contraindications to vaginal childbirth in women with scarred uterus it is necessary to examine not only the scar proper, but also its border with the myometrium. The myometrial scar by itself, is not an absolute contraindication to vaginal delivery, the natural delivery is feasible in the absence of cavities with liquid and hemorrhages in the tissues of the uterine scar and at its border with myometrium.




I. Maiborodin

RAS Siberian Branch Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine

Center of New Medical Technologies

O. Pekarev

RAS Siberian Branch Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine

Center of New Medical Technologies

N. Yakimova

RAS Siberian Branch Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine

Center of New Medical Technologies

Ye. Pekareva

RAS Siberian Branch Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine

Center of New Medical Technologies

V. Maiborodina

RAS Siberian Branch Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine

Center of New Medical Technologies

Ye. Perminova

RAS Siberian Branch Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine

Center of New Medical Technologies


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