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This investigation was aimed at the topographic anatomical comparison of operative approaches to the bodies of lumbar vertebrae according to A.Yu. Sozon-Yaroshevich quantitative criteria and the qualitative characteristic of traumaticity. Modeling of operative approaches according to P.G. Kornev, W.O. Southwick and R.A. Robinson, and V.D. Chaklin was performed on 50 human corpses of both sexes. Five variants of the position of abdominal aorta and inferior cava vein relative to the bodies of vertebrae are described, together with the variants of the interrelation between the lumbar vertebral segment, abdominal aorta and inferior cava vein, 3 variants of aortal bifurcation level and 3 variants of the level of the inferior cava vein formation. No quantitative differences were detected between the right- and left-sided variants of each approach and no significant interrelations between the values of A.Yu. Sozon-Yaroshevich's quantitative criteria and the constitution form (P>0.05). It is shown that from the point of view of topographic anatomical features, P.G. Kornev approach is least favorable. Concerning the approach to LIII, the best topographic anatomical characteristics belong to W.O. Southwick and R.A. Robinson approach, while V.D. Chaklin approach is preferable for the access to LIV.


A Efimov


A Yefimov


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