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Objective - to examine cephalometric parameters and gender differences of their growth in male and female individuals aged 17-24 years, living in the Republic of Belarus. Materials and methods: The cephalometric study of 800 men and women aged 17-24 years was conducted with the analysis of 21 parameters and 24 indexes. Results. Information on the regularities of the structure of cranial and facial part of the skull in humans aged 17-24 was obtained. In women the longitudinal and transverse diameters of the cerebral part of the skull, morphological and maxillary width of the face were stabilized by 18 years, while in males the increase of all skull parts was observed up to the age of 23 years. Conclusions. The growth of the various parts of the skull is completed at different ages in men and women

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About the authors

Ye. V. Kuz’menko

Belorussian Medical Academy for Postgraduate Medical Training

Email: elena-stom@yandex.ru
Department of Maxillofacial Surgery with Courses of Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics 3 P. Brovka Str., Buliding 3, Minsk, Belarus 220013

A. K. Usovich

Vitebsk State Medical University

Department of Human Anatomy 27 Prospekt Frunze, Minsk, Vitebsk, Belarus 210009


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